"Successful people never worry about what others are doing."
I wish this quote was easier to live and breathe in our daily lives. I would like to think that I'm a successful person. I have a job I love and that makes me happy to get out of bed in the morning for. I have a beautiful family, including one energetic and extremely active and lovable little boy that gives me a reason to smile and laugh and some days throw my hands up in the air. I have a roof over my head and food in my tummy and I have a small but amazing group of friends that I trust with my life. And most days I feel really good about myself. I'm happy with my looks. Well, as happy as a girl in her 30's can be ... we all have good and bad days! Life is good. It's not to say that I don't have days where I feel that life has kicked me down and left me there, in a heap of unhappiness.
What I have discovered is that while I think and feel that I am successful, I spend a lot of my precious time striving to be something or someone I'm not. I guess you could call it a bit of jealousy or envy but there are times when I look at someone and think, 'they have a great life', for one reason or another. Maybe it's because they appear to have a great social or family life. Or maybe it's because they seem to have an amazing, never-ending closet full of fabulous clothes?!?! I don't know what it is but this is something that I really seem to struggle with. I see people around me who seem to have this perfect life and walk around with this aura that they are these wonderful people with lots of friends and piles of money. And while I'm happy ... could I be happier if I had their life? Maybe if I had their life but probably not if I have their problems and that's something that I really struggle to remember.
I really shouldn't worry about what other people are wearing or doing or how they are living their life because in the grand scheme of things, I'm right where I need to be and I need to be happy in my own skin. I can't worry about what others are doing (or not doing) and by worrying and stressing over this, I'm not doing myself any good because it means I'm not living my best possible life.
So what's my goal at the end of this ... to learn how to truly be happy with whatever comes my way because as they old saying goes, 'everything happens for a reason'. I need to remember that I am a successful person and that I should spend more time looking forward then looking around and behind me because I'm destined for greatness! And heck - I look and feel fabulous today!!
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